Have you been practicing Sabbath? That is to realize that God alone is in control in our life. Let me tell you a story:
On 2nd February 2012, I was involved in an accident. Someone who was driving really fast banged me from behind. I literally flew in front further. I thanked God that He covered me under His protection. I came out of the car with no injuries physically. I was rather shaken by the incident but God sent people my way to comfort me. He is in CONTROL! Though this incident was something that is out of my control but He took control of it and protected me.
Now, let’s move on to REDEMPTION.
You and I know very well that God had sent His son to die on the cross for my sin and yours. *WORD!*
How many of you are like me who goes… OHHHH OKAY! COOL!
Now, after reading the chapter of redemption I realized that our God the Father had sent His PRECIOUS SON to die on the cross for my sin. For that, I am redeemed to have a relationship with my GOD.
Redemption: God’s mighty act of delivering us from anyone or anything that holds us in bondage. It is God’s way of getting our lives back.
All of us have something about our lives that we would like to redeem.
- To get back on our reputation.
- To rebuild something that had been torn down.
- To get out from under the control of our own faults and limitations or the oppression of someone else.
We can’t change the past, but God redeems our present and our future.
Will you be willing to reach out to let Him redeem you?
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