This part of the story is imprinted in Judges 13:1 - 13:25. Let's take a walk down memory lane about the beginnings of Samson.
The story started with a couple who stayed under the ruling of the Philistines. At this moment of time, it had already been 40 years under the Philistines ruling. The people then must have already come to the state of mind that Philistine is stronger than them and they may have never thought of over-riding the Philistine. The wife is a sterile woman who could not bear a child. It must have been devastating for her. The angel of the LORD appeared to her and told her she will give birth to a son who will deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines. Because she WILL give birth to the child, she must follow the conditions given by the angel. The woman must be shocked and surprised - all these years, I can't even have a child and now I WILL have a child.
The woman was overjoyed! She quickly ran to tell her husband what had happened. She also told the husband (Manoah) that she WILL conceive and give birth to a son. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be a Nazirite of God from birth until the day of his death.
Guess what Manoah did? He prayed and asked God to allow the man of God He sent to come again to teach how to bring up the boy who is to be born. It seems to me Manoah couldn't believe his ears of what the wife had told him. Amazingly, God replied him. God again sent the angel as he requested. So, when the wife was at the field, the man of God reveal himself to her. Then, she quickly rushed to tell her husband. Her husband went out with the wife to meet the 'man'. When he met the 'man', he questioned him.
First question: Are you the one who talked to my wife?
(I felt he was being protective over the wife)
Second question: When your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule for the boy's life and work?
(The answer given was exactly what the wife had told him.)
Third request from the man: We would like you to stay until we prepare a young goat for you.
The reply was even though you detain me, I'll not eat any of your food. But if you prepare a burnt offering, offer it to the LORD. As recorded, Manoah still don't have the slightest clue that it was the angel of the LORD he was talking to.
Funny thing, the first encounter the wife knew and addressed the man as the man of God and even said he looked like the angel of God. But, Manoah having a conversation with him don't even have the slightest clue.
Fourth question: What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word come true?
Why asked the name? During their time, it is believed that if you know a person's name, you'll know the person's character and how to control the person.
He replied by saying that his name is beyond understanding.
The angel of the LORD did not give his name so that they will not be able to control him. His name was a mystery beyong understanding and too wonderful to imagine.
Manoah obeyed the angel. Burnt the offering. The LORD did an amazing thing: As the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame (Judges 13:20 NIV)
Manoah freaked out! WE ARE DOOMED TO DIE!!!!!! WE HAD SEEN GOD. But, Manoah's wife answered with a level head, "If the LORD had meant to kill us, he would not have accepted a burnt offering and grain offering from our hands, nor shown us all these things or now told us this," (Judges 13:23 NIV)
The chapter ended with the birth of the boy named Samson who is dedicated to the LORD as a Nazirite. Not much account of him growing up as a boy. Later on in the chapter, the LORD blessed him and the Spirit of the LORD began to stir in him.
This is just the first part of Samson's life.
Now, let's look at the wife. She is so gullible - my first thought. She believe RIGHT AWAY what the person had said. I can see why Manoah wanted to know for sure. Sometimes, we may also act the way Manoah's wife act - just swallowing what the other person had said. Another way of looking at this, she has a simple faith. When she brought the husband to see the man of God, she heard it the 2nd time - it's like confirmation again to what she heard the first time.
Look at Manoah, Samson's father. I would conclude that he didn't take his wife's words as it is. And he sought to find out whether what the wife had said is true. He prayed and God answered him. Manoah only came to believe that the man is the angel of the LORD when the angel didn't appeared to him after he ascended up in flame. Manoah was scared to death that he had seen the LORD.
Isn't it weird to see a man who went out with a sense of wanting to know then when he knew the truth, he was so so so TERRIFIED. He became irrational.
Many of us (myself included) also act the same way as Manoah. We want to know. We asked questions. Then, when we know the truth, we suddenly take a step back and say 'this can't be it! You must be kidding..'
We need to be like Manoah and also his wife - having the right attitude and response. We need to find out the truth for ourselves and have the courage to face it!
God is good. He knows us well enough. He knew Manoah. He knew Manoah's wife as well. He placed them side-by-side to keep each other on course. Both of them have the right attitude that is to be truthful and honest to each other. I do act like Manoah sometimes and sometimes I'll act like his wife. Thankfully, God had placed different individuals in my life who is willing to journey with me and be honest with me completely. He was also willing to be patient with my hard-headedness.
So, for those of you reading this, you may think to yourself, I may act like Manoah sometimes, I may be like the wife of Manoah who is gullible (or not at all as well), whatever it is, we all need God and people to journey on together with.
It's okay that if there are times you and I be irrational or gullible.
That's why we need God and people to journey
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